Not a very catchy title for my first post, however I feel that I need to explain the reasoning behind the name of my blog. I spent the first 22 years of my life living on Loomis Road in a quiet, single-stoplight town. A month before my 22nd birthday, my then fiance (Dave) and I bought a house about 25 minutes away from my childhood home. It was the most perfect starter home and even better our best friends owned a house right down the road. A year after buying our first home we got married and started planning for our future. We both had always dreamed of building a home one day so we started looking for land. Our Saturday morning routine became us driving around looking at different lots or pieces of land with our coffee and puppies. After searching for a while and not finding anything, Dave found a 3 acre lot back in our hometown. It also turned out to be right down the road from my childhood home, where my parents still lived, and on Loomis Rd.
When I decided to start writing a blog, an ideas that I have tossed around for the last three years, it was hard to pick a name and what I wanted the content/direction to be. Every time I would come up with an idea for a title, content or directions I would jot it down in an note on my phone, then this summer while engaging in some adult beverages with friends and family the topic of how I have spent pretty much my whole "Life on Loomis" came up. Throughout the discussion and after that phrase "Life on Loomis" stuck with me and seemed like a perfect title. Now to figure out the content and direction....
If you go on Pinterest, my most favorite app/website, and type in starting a blog you will be given all these things to think about. One of the main things when doing so is to have a clear plan for content and direction you want you blog to go....well, if you know me I am a daughter, wife, teacher, dance coach, dog mom, shopaholic, craftaholic, wanna be Joanna Gains, fall/Christmas loving 28 year old. So to pick one direction.....not that easy. I started to follow blogs and realized you can have more than one direction and different content...so here we are.
I hope you enjoy getting to know me, my family, our journey and life including past, present and future. Welcome to Life on Loomis.